Granules is a granular innoculant made up of Mycorrhiza, bio-stimulants and over 20 strains of microorganisms. All these work to create an abundance of beneficial micro life within the soil.
The Mycorrhiza quickly establishes itself forming a symbiotic relationship with the roots. This in turn promotes a rapidly growing root mass increasing the uptake of more water and nutrients.
The Microorganisms, which include nitrogen fixers, populate the soil quickly and effectively to promote the re-establishment of bio-activity. A barrier is formed helping to stop fungal pathogens such as fusarium and pythium attacking your crop.
The bio-stimulants both balance and promote the biological activity within the soil, stimulating soil micro-population as
well as stimulating root development.
Promoted root growth (up to 700% increase in mass)
Provides a beneficial micro-population
Improves nutrient availability and uptake
Reduces the risk of pathogens and other undesirable organisms
Promotes Nitrogen fixers
Increases disease and stress tolerance