The Answer Is Sugar
Or more specifically, the right kinds of sugar. The key is to feed these beneficial bacteria the right carbohydrates so they are able to thrive. The same way that avocados, or blueberries, or coconuts have been talked about recently as “superfoods” for humans, there are certain sugars and combinations of sugars that act like superfood for beneficial bacteria.
This Is How It Works
In the world of microbes, there are four phases of growth, which altogether make one cycle called a growth curve. In order, they are the lag phase, the exponential phase, a stationary phase, and a death phase. They’re all pretty much what they sound like.
The lag phase is an incubation, where they’re getting ready to explode into the exponential phase of growth. To you it feels like waiting, or watching water boil, or paint dry. But underneath it all, they are feeling out the environment, gathering data on just what is available, and thus how and when they should grow. And once they get going, watch out.
Because here comes the exponential phase, where the population quickly doubles and redoubles. This is also when they bestow the benefits inherent in being beneficial bacteria. This phase is where the work is done that will ensure you have thicker roots and shoots, and thus a heavier yield.
But once they notice that resources are running dry, and food is lacking, your microbes begin to prepare for the stationary phase, which is really just a transition into the death phase. It’s a last ditch effort to look for more resources before they have to bite the bullet and just die already.
Then, of course, there’s the death phase. This is where they die and leave their corpses to be consumed by the rest of the root zone, or “rhizosphere”, the scientific name for the entire root zone.