To see what can protect your plants, first look around at the ground outdoors. In there somewhere is an important element that protects and strengthens your plants when you supply it in your hydroponics garden.
That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust (oxygen is the most prevalent). Silica is an absolutely essential building block for the entire structure of your plants.
But the startling fact is that silica is missing from hydroponics root zones and fertilizers.
This is a cause of concern because your plants desperately need silica. They need to intake it so it becomes part of their cell walls which are the building blocks of all the structural features that determine the strength of your plants’ stems, leaves, flowers, floral structures, essential oils.
Not only do your plants accumulate silicon to build their cells, they also store it as protection and foundational support between cells.
Plants that are fully armored with the right type of silica formula are going to better resist powdery mildew, molds, insects and other problems.
In fact, your plants contain as much as 10% of their weight as silica. So when you realize that silica isn’t supplied at all in most hydroponics fertilizers or root zone media, and even if it is, it usually isn’t the right type or amount of silica to maximize silica’s benefits as a crop protector and potency enhancer, that’s when you look for a safe, easy to use silica supplement to help your plants.
Providing silica to your crops is necessary no matter what type of hydroponics system or nutrients you’re using, and it’s a way of adding protection, size and potency to your harvests.
For example, if you’re growing in coco coir, rockwool, aeroponics, aquaponics, or other “sterile” hydroponics methods, you’ve got a serious silica deficiency that weakens your crops, lowers their potency, and makes them more susceptible to disease, stress and other attackers.
If you’re growing in soil, you might believe your silica levels are ok, but research shows that adding silica to gardening soil increases the amount of silica absorbed by your plants and built into their structures. Along with that, be aware that once your plants have absorbed any silica that might possibly be present in soil or whatever else you’re growing in, they of course won’t be able to absorb any more- because there isn’t any more for them to absorb!
And yet even they have a constant need for more and more silica, especially during peak bloom phase.
The deal is that your plants intake silica, make it part of their structure, and then they need more when they build new structures. When is this most important?
Number one, your plants need this silica when they are in veg phase building the structure your branches will need to handle huge floral clusters in bloom phase.
Number two, you’ll get more potent and larger harvests when you feed silica during peak bloom phase when flowers are swelling up overnight, fattening, ripening and adding trichomes.
During bloom phase, your plants channel most of their energy, metabolic processes and materials towards building flowers and floral structures, such as trichomes.
As you’re aware, the most important of your floral structures are trichomes, where the highest-value essential oils, aromatics and resins are made and stored.
Of course, trichomes are very fragile, easily damaged and subject to degradation from light, heat, oxidation and aging.
Indeed, a key indicator of when your plants are ready for harvest is that trichomes begin to fall, lose their crystal-clarity, and disappear off of floral surfaces.
Silica is a trichome builder that gives you higher-value crops that produce more essential oils, terpenoids, and resins so your friends, family and consumers are more impressed than ever by the quality and potency of your flowers. Imagine your peak bloom phase in which your trichomes are more resilient, larger, longer-lasting, more packed with the natural goodness you seek from your crops.
That’s exactly what happens when you add silica to your garden.
But there’s even more…silica armors your plants against the tiny sucking faces of mites, aphids, thrips and other pests.
So when you’re ready to armor your indoor gardening plants against biting insects, diseases, and harsh conditions while increasing the structure, material support and metabolism that creates larger and more potent harvests, get Rhino Skin today to immediately provide the extra silica your plants need.